
Aalto EE’s coaching pays specific attention to how to fully utilize an individual’s strengths and potential, which is reflected in better results and impact of work. This approach is also ideal for individuals and teams aiming at top performance.

Coaching that increases self-awareness and effectiveness is also a good way to motivate, encourage and reward those interested in self-development. 

Self-awareness as the starting point for development

Self-awareness is an important trump card of every expert and executive. It is also the starting point for developing and fully utilizing your professional potential.

Changing working life requires a new approach

Present-day career paths consist of many different stages. Ensure successful transitions and personal renewal with your own coach!

Organizational transformation starts with people

Many changes grind to a halt at the point of implementation. A personal coach helps you set goals and achievement.

As a leader, you must first lead yourself

Self-leadership is easier when there is someone listening, discussing, challenging and questioning. An experienced coach helps you set goals, make difficult decisions, and develop as a leader.

Efficient use of time

Focus on what benefits you the most. The confidential coaching process is tailored to meet the needs of you and your organization.

More together

An experienced coach frees up the team or team members to bring forth their full professional potential and gain strength from each other.

Strengths and Impact

Strengths and Impact | Better Leadership | Renewal and Change | Interaction and Cooperation

Awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses is often the starting point for success and development in expert work. Self-awareness is useful in everyone’s work, but there are various stages in a career where actively increasing your self-awareness is particularly beneficial. For example, new duties or responsibilities often require clarifying your own goals and refining your practices. We often know a lot in theory, but critical assessment and active development of one’s own conduct is still difficult. The coaching processes of Aalto EE are characterized by a pragmatic and goal-oriented approach, which is why they are an excellent tool for achieving concrete changes.

Do you take full advantage of your potential?"

Aalto EE’s coaching pays specific attention to how to fully utilize an individual’s strengths and potential, which is reflected in better results and impact of work. This approach is also ideal for individuals and teams aiming at top performance. Coaching that increases self-awareness and effectiveness is also a good way to motivate, encourage and reward those interested in self-development.


Better Leadership

Strengths and Impact | Better Leadership | Renewal and Change | Interaction and Cooperation

The leadership path has different stages. The needs of a new supervisor differ from those of a CEO who has been involved in executive team work for years, but both benefit from systematic reflection of their own leadership as well as from external feedback. You are never fully fledged as a leader!

The success of leaders is also reflected in the performance of others."

Coaching can provide help with an individual supervisor’s challenges or goals. Sometimes they arise from the situation of the organization or team, and sometimes it is a question of developing one’s own style of interaction, for example. The coach does not make the decisions on behalf of the leader, but he or she can help the leader find the best possible solution or course of action.

Increasingly, coaching is part of developing the leadership of the entire organization, in which case the coaching process is offered, for example, to all new supervisors or, in connection with reforms, to all executive team members/leaders at the same time. Even though each individual coaching process is unique and confidential, they are integrated into the organization’s leadership model and reform. In this case, the tools used are also designed in close cooperation with the customer organization.


Renewal and Change

Strengths and Impact | Better Leadership | Renewal and Change | Interaction and Cooperation

Continuous renewal is an increasingly significant challenge for individuals and organizations alike. In the coaching process, the aim is to turn the challenges of change into opportunities.

More and more people work in many different professions during their careers."

At best, change is an inspiring journey and the opportunities to learn and build something new along it are utilized in full. Coaching ensures that good ideas are put into practice.

Coaching can be used to support and speed up change as well as to strengthen future-oriented thinking and action. If necessary, we also provide tested tools for preparing scenarios.


Interaction and Cooperation

Strengths and Impact | Better Leadership | Renewal and Change | Interaction and Cooperation

Interaction and networking skills are emphasized in the current operating environment. They are needed both in cooperation within the organization and when managing stakeholder relationships. For example, executives, salespeople and customer service personnel – or any team member – benefit from good interaction skills.

Leadership is mostly interaction with others."

The need to reflect on and develop your own interaction skills may arise, for example, with new duties or responsibilities. Some people want to develop their interaction skills based on the feedback they have received, while others are motivated by personal experience, such as a fear of public speaking or difficulty or dislike of networking.

Effective and fruitful interaction is often in the common interest of the whole team. Enhancing  It can be part of normal and even fun development of operations, for example, as part of a team day. In this case, the aim is to further strengthen team spirit and cooperation.

Sometimes there are problems with the interaction and cooperation of specific individuals or the whole team. Coaching is an effective way to handle and resolve such problems. The coach introduces an external and impartial perspective as well as a systematic, forward-looking approach into the team’s situation.


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Let me help you find the best solutions for you and your company.

Dr. Riina Gröhn

Director, Operational Excellence

+358 10 837 3879